Promoting Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture and Thriving in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry | Academician Chen Quanzhou Supports the High-Quality Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Yan Zhao

Promoting Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture and Thriving in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry | Academician Chen Quanzhou Supports the High-Quality Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Yan Zhao

Cihang Group Foreign Academician Workstation  Published in Hebei on 2023-10-20 19:01


Academician Chen Quanzhou Supports the High-Quality Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Yan Zhao


"Shuiyue Daqian" press conference

In June 2022, Academician Chen Quanzhou said at the launch ceremony of the poetry collection "Shuiyue Daqian" that "it has been more than 60 years since I wrote the first little poem. At that time, I was studying traditional Chinese medicine in my spare time, and I just wanted to talk about the nature of flowers and praise them. The virtues of flowers, review pharmacology, and improve literary accomplishment. Now compiled into a volume, I can only hope to help the dissemination of traditional culture of the motherland, especially traditional Chinese medicine culture." The poetry collection contains 102 poems about herbs and flowers created over the years.




Academician Chen Quanzhou has emphasized in many traditional Chinese medicine forums and symposiums that "to develop the great health cause, as for the health concept of treating diseases before they are cured, no other ethnic medicine in the world is better than traditional Chinese medicine. Carry forward the extensive and profound traditional Chinese medicine culture, and will cure the disease." It is our unshirkable responsibility to combine the theoretical experience and practice of prevention.”



In order to implement the spirit of Academician Chen Quanzhou’s important speech on the development of traditional Chinese medicine, Cihang Group Foreign Academician Work Station, under the specific guidance of Academician Chen, relying on Hebei Qiquan Tourism Development Co., Ltd. and Hebei Fujing Fu Technology Co., Ltd., organized the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Agriculture Researcher Wang Daolong, director and doctoral supervisor of the Institute of Resources and Agricultural Zoning, Dr. Song Jingyuan, director and doctoral supervisor of the Institute of Medicinal Plants, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Dr. Li Xiwen, professor and doctoral supervisor of the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing Guomengzhong Senior Engineer Du Yingjie, deputy director of the Hefanglue Science and Technology Research Institute and an expert in agricultural science and technology, researcher Jiao Zhenjie, deputy director and secretary-general of the Cihang Group Foreign Academician Workstation, Dr. Li Changzhou and other domestic authoritative experts conducted a two-day series of seminars in Shijiazhuang. meetings and on-the-spot investigations.


First, at the "Research and Application of the Construction of Standardization System for the Whole Chain of Authentic Medicinal Materials Production" project seminar, in order to promote Hebei Province to carry out from seed seedlings, planting management, pesticide application, harvesting and processing to based on high-quality new varieties of Chinese medicinal materials. Research on the formulation of standards for the entire chain of processing, packaging and warehousing of slices, and discussion of strategies and feasibility on issues such as establishing a quality standard system for the entire chain of Chinese herbal medicine production and promoting its application. It was determined that Song Jingyuan, deputy director of the Institute of Medicinal Plants, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, would The professor serves as the person in charge of this project. The proposed project is to plant new varieties of Chinese medicinal materials, Pinellia ternata and Forsythia suspensa, and introduce a DNA barcode Chinese medicine full-chain quality inspection system and introduce senior professionals. In the work practice, Professor Wang Daolong provides guidance on pests, diseases, and weeds. Biological control technology eliminates the risk of using pesticides; Professor Song Jingyuan guides genetic engineering, cell engineering and other related work; senior agronomist Du Yingjie guides cultivation and planting technology, such as fertilization technology, pruning technology, etc.





Conducted on-site inspections of the Hebei Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine's project "Research on the Imitation Wild Planting Industry of Advantageous Authentic Medicinal Materials Produced in Hebei Province", conducted in-depth discussions and provided guidance; finally, the 2024 project seminar ended with a review of the 2024 academician workstation. The implementation and application plan of Chinese medicine-related topics exchanged cooperation opinions, discussed and summarized project strategies, and made it clear that the workstation will focus on the development and application of special effects (such as anti-cancer) Chinese medicinal materials in the future, and artificial intelligence in some aspects of the production process of Chinese medicinal materials ( Mechanization) alternative applications and traditional Chinese medicine bioengineering. At the above meetings, opinions were exchanged on project cooperation and issues of common concern, and preliminary cooperation intentions were reached.



Under the leadership of Academician Chen Quanzhou, the Cihang Group Foreign Academician Workstation carries out research on improving the level of disease prevention and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine in Yanzhao and the high-quality development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry, promoting the transformation and implementation of scientific research results, and forming market competitive products and industrial projects. It provides a platform for exchanges and cooperation between Hebei and domestic and foreign scientific research institutions, experts, scholars, and enterprises, and provides strong scientific and technological support for the inheritance, innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine in our province and people's lives and health.

