Academician Chen Quanzhou promotes Sino-Russian educational cooperation. Hebei Academy of Fine Arts and the Russian Glazunov Academy of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture and Arts have initially reached an intention to cooperate in running schools

Academician Chen Quanzhou promotes Sino-Russian educational cooperation. Hebei Academy of Fine Arts and the Russian Glazunov Academy of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture and Arts have initially reached an intention to cooperate in running schools


Academician Chen Quanzhou promotes Sino-Russian educational cooperation

Hebei Academy of Fine Arts and the Russian Glazunov Academy of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture and Arts have initially reached an intention to cooperate in running schools


In recent years, educational cooperation between China and Russia has been expanding and showing a positive development trend. To further promote exchanges and cooperation in the field of education between China and Russia, and to strengthen the friendship and emotional ties between the two peoples, the Grzegorz Gauden School of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, and Art Sciences in Russia and Hebei Academy of Fine Arts have reached a preliminary agreement on cooperation, with support from Mr. Chen Quanzhou, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Chairman of Ci Hang Group.

The Grzegorz Gauden School of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, and Art Sciences is a renowned art institution in the world, with a rich historical heritage and outstanding artistic education resources. Its teaching system and academic standards are globally recognized.


Hebei Academy of Fine Arts is the world's largest art academy, covering an area of 7,035 acres. It comprises eight secondary colleges and has over 30,000 full-time students. The university has established cooperative relationships with more than 35 high schools in over ten countries, including Russia, the United Kingdom, and Germany.

Under the leadership of Chairman Chen Quanzhou, Ci Hang Group has developed into a comprehensive international conglomerate encompassing ten major strategic sectors, including finance, culture, education, healthcare, internet, trade, tourism, agriculture, mining, and charity. The group's operations span multiple countries and regions in Asia, Europe, and North America. Over its 35 years of existence, the group has consistently participated in and supported collaborative projects in the international education sector.



In September 2022, Chairman Chen Quanzhou was honored with the title of Academician by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Academician Chen Quanzhou initiated the establishment of the Ci Hang Group Foreign Academician Workstation. The workstation focuses on fostering collaborative exchanges and cooperation in areas related to technology, education, culture, and sustainable development, with a core emphasis on Sino-Russian cooperation.



On the afternoon of August 31, 2023, Ivan Glazunov, the President of the Ilya Glazunov Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, along with Lan Xincheng, the Dean of the International Education College of Hebei Academy of Fine Arts, and Hao Jinlong, the Vice Dean, engaged in a video conference with Academician Chen Quanzhou from the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. During the meeting, they discussed educational collaboration and exchanged views on matters of mutual interest, reaching a preliminary agreement on cooperation.
